Why So Many Ladybirds In My Garden?
There are millions of different kinds of insects on Earth. Unfortunately, in general, people do not like insects. Still, there are some species that look beautiful and do not bring any harm. Ladybird is one of them. Rejoice if you have a lot of ladybirds in your garden. They like plants growing there. They also like aphids. Learn more about ladybirds below.

However, first of all, it’s worth saying that there are about 5,000 species of these cute bugs on our planet, and not all of them are equally valuable. However, there are only about 100 species in the UK. The ladybird, which we meet most often, has a red back color and several black dots on it. Unfortunately, one insect lives on average only a year and a half.

Aphids can settle on the reverse side of leaves of fruit plants. They feed on juice. If you do not take measures, the leaves will completely dry out in a few days, and there will be no harvest. However, as soon as ladybirds arrive to the garden, the next day all aphids will disappear.
The ladybird also feeds on mealybugs, ticks, and parlatoria. All these creatures can also harm plants. Thus, ladybirds replace dangerous chemicals, which destroy garden pests. However, chemicals can negatively affect plants from your garden. If you destroy all the aphids, ladybirds will have nothing to eat. They can quickly die without food.
How to attract ladybirds to your garden
To attract as many ladybirds as possible to your garden, you need to create at least a small corner in it, where herbs could grow independently, without human intervention. Grow plants attracting ladybirds: dill, angelica, dandelion, yarrow, tansy, buckwheat and beans.