Solid Interior Of Your Home
Cozy and practical, but at the same time solid and impressive interior is an ideal space for living in which it is pleasant to spend time, everything is at hand here, and the finishing materials, furniture and setting are high-quality and durable.
Only professionals in their field can help you create such an interior design London.

Main characteristics of solid interior
You do not need to be an experienced designer to remember the main characteristics of this ancient, but at the same time quite popular style in modern homes:
- There is much wood in the interior. It is everywhere, quite expensive breeds are used: red, oak, and walnut. Wood is widely used in the decoration of walls, ceilings, floors, as well as the style is characterized by wooden furniture.
- In addition to wooden furniture, upholstered furniture with rounded shapes is actively used in interiors.
- This style is strictly conservative and accepts only certain colours and patterns. The checkwork, stripe, floral motifs and paisley are popular.
- It is quite common to find a fireplace in the living rooms decorated in this style.

People have their own preferences and lifestyle; therefore, the interior style must be selected individually. Solid style is well suited for people who are restrained, conservative, and observant of traditions. This is a calm and long-lasting style that will be firmly anchored in the interior for many years to come. It is also called the style of the ancestral nest, because in the premises you can often find family photos on the mantelpieces, family collections collected by more than one generation, old books. Everyone who appreciates the traditional comfort, tranquillity, reliability and practicality will certainly give preference to this style in the interior.